John Knox Christian School exists in partnership with the home and the church to train each student to integrate the truth of God as presented in His Word into every area of life. The primary goal of John Knox is to equip and encourage students to strive for maturity in Christ, so that all students may manifest Christ-likeness in character, conduct, and knowledge of the world in which they live.
John Knox seeks to reflect in its operation the assurance that, “Children are a heritage of the Lord.” (Psalm 127:3) At John Knox, children are regarded as holy unto the Lord, each one a precious and unique image-bearer of God. As a Christian school, John Knox seeks to expand the horizons of its students, deepen their insight, improve their abilities, and guide them along the path that leads to wisdom. The teachers at John Knox strive to lead the children to live the truth of the words of
Matthew 22:37-39:
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second like it, you shall love your neighbour as yourself."